Saturday, January 30, 2016

Best of #MBFWA 2016: european flair and savoir faire

I can't believe that it is that time again! #FashionWeek 2016. These days it seems that we hop from one FW to the other almost in minutes. No, don't get me wrong. I love it! I breathe it! But the paste is getting to me already ... and it is only January. Wow!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

#mustTrend: Mix and Match clashing patterns

Mix and Match

Black and White is any shape, form, and pattern is the #mustTrend and for good reason. It is simply timeless. The twist this season is to mix and match clashing patterns in unexpected ways: stripes and dots in the same outfit is my favorite.Keeping it in black and white and with a heavy dose of black as the foundation (i.e. pants, dress, skirts) and piling up some cool accessories is a crowd-pleaser. 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Confessions of a Polyvore-Addict

I am very excited as I just completed my 30 sets collaboration with Lattori. It was a very interesting project, to say the least. But what made it truly special was that it coincided with my own Polyvore anniversary. If you've ever visited this blog you know that I am a #polyvore-addict and very, very happy at it.